Supercell's CEO Ilkka Paananen introduces the school

A new kind of education

Hive Helsinki trains the next generation of world-class coders. We want to give people from all walks of life the tools to solve problems of tomorrow.

Our Story

Hive is a new kind of coding school in Helsinki, based on the revolutionary education model of the French school Ecole 42.

Founded in 2013, the Ecole 42 model disrupted education by building a school without the traditional teacher-student model, focusing on peer-to-peer collaboration, problem-solving and creativity. The impressive results (100% of graduates well-employed, 50% of which had no coding experience) have inspired others around the world to replicate the model with success. In July 2019, we opened our doors in Finland and were the first school of our kind in the Nordics.

The word “Hive” literally means “a place in which people are busily occupied”. To us, Hive means the beginning of a community, a movement that is bigger than a school. We want to be a place where people of all walks of life come together to collaborate, create great things and have an impact.

Hive is a new way of re-thinking how education should be done for coders and creatives.
- Urho Konttori, Chief Product Officer at Varjo

Our philosophy

Code is everywhere – from the apps you use in your smartphone to bionic limbs and driverless cars. Every industry needs digital solutions and this means there is increasing demand for highly skilled coders. To support this growth, education must evolve.

Hive Helsinki offers a new way to learn and gives its students the tools to solve the problems of tomorrow. Hive is the first school of its kind in the Nordics. Our two-part, higher-education level program focuses on coding, while developing critical thinking, problem-solving, innovation, collaboration, creativity and entrepreneurship. Most importantly, our students learn how to learn – the ultimate future-proof skill!

Education should be inclusive and accessible. At Hive, we welcome everyone, regardless of their background, economic status, previous education, or experience level. We only ask that you are open-minded, motivated, determined and willing to learn.

The biggest misconception about computer science is that it's about studying the computer. In reality, it can be used to solve the big problems in the world.
- Linda Liukas, Hello Ruby and Rails Girls